Monday, January 12, 2009

jan 12th

I'm hungry, so I snuck down to the fridge! How is it that we can have a refrigerator and freezer with this much food and still nothing looks good. ?


  1. Ooooh, I want one of those over there on the left!

  2. Yours looks much better then mine right now LOL What is it about snacking, you always want what you dont have!

  3. Yep, just like TV, there could be a zillion channels with nothing on (LOL)! Great shot and journaling - so what did you end up eating?

  4. It could be more of a problem if everything looked good! lol

  5. You could always package it up and send it to starving Americans in South Korea. :) I'll take a pic of my fridge, next.

  6. OK...I really want a pizza pretzel but since I started a diet I guess I'll take a few strawberries :D

  7. Yeah, I know that feeling.. I want something, but don't really know what, and it is definately not in my fridge.

  8. You have food in your fridge? I am impressed. Mine looks empty most of the time. I would take a picture to show you but that would mean I would have to clean it first.
